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Multiple-group IRT models in Stata
IRT models explore the relationship between a latent (unobserved) trait and items that measure aspects of the trait. This often arises in standardized testing where the trait of interest is ability, such as mathematical ability. A set of items (test questions) is designed, and the responses measure this unobserved trait. Researchers in education, psychology, and health frequently fit IRT models.
Stata’s irt commands fit 1-, 2-, and 3-parameter logistic models. They also fit graded response, nominal response, partial credit, and rating scale models, and any combination of them. And after fitting a model, irtgraph graphs item-characteristic curves, test characteristic curves, item information functions, and test information functions.
New in Stata 16, the irt commands allow comparisons across groups. Take any of the existing irt commands, add a group(varname) option, and fit the corresponding multiple-group model. For instance, type
. irt 2pl item1-item10, group(female)
and fit a two-group 2PL model.
Group-specific means and variances of the latent trait will be estimated. Group-specific difficulty and discrimination parameters can also be estimated for one or more items. With constraints, you can specify exactly which parameters are allowed to vary and which parameters are constrained to be equal across groups.
You can even use likelihood-ratio tests to compare models with and without constraints to perform an IRT model-based test of differential item functioning.

2019年6月Stata 15正式发布。这是Stata有史以来较大的一次版本更新。我们贴出了Statalist并且列出了16项较重要的新功能。
Ÿ 扩展回归模型
Ÿ 潜在类别分析(LCA)
Ÿ 贝叶斯前缀指令
Ÿ 线性动态随机一般均衡(DSGE)模型
Ÿ web 的动态Markdown文档
Ÿ 非线性混合效应模型
Ÿ 空间自回归模型(SAR)
Ÿ 区间删失参数生存时间模型
Ÿ 有限混合模型(FMMs)
Ÿ 混合Logit模型
Ÿ 非参数回归
Ÿ 聚类随机设计和回归模型的功率分析
Ÿ Word和PDF文档
Ÿ 图形颜色透明度/不透明度
Ÿ 联邦储备经济数据(FRED)支持
Ÿ 其他
上面列出的十六功能当然是重要的, 但还有其他值得一提的。比较*想到的是:
. 贝叶斯多级模型
. 门限回归
. 具有随机系数的面板数据tobit
. 区间测量结果的多层回归
. 删失结果的多级Tobit回归
. 面板数据的协整测试
. 时间序列中多断点的测试
. 多组广义 SEM
. 异方差的线性回归
. Heckman风格的样本选择Poisson模型
. 具有随机系数的面板数据非线性模型
. 贝叶斯面板数据模型
. 随机系数的面板数据区间回归
. SVG的导出
. 贝叶斯生存模型
. 零膨胀有序概率
. 添加您自己的电源和样本大小的方法
. 贝叶斯样本选择模型
. 支持瑞典语
. 对DO文件编辑器的改进
. 流随机数生成器
. 对于java插件的改进
. Stata / MP更多的并行化

我们称之为ERMS 扩展回归模型。四个新的命令适合
. 线性回归分析,
. 区间回归包括 tobit模型,
. 概率,
. 有序概率模型

. 内生变量
. 非随机处理任务
. 内源性(Heckman-style)样本的选择
这些新的ERM命令—eregress, eintreg, eprobit, 和eoprobit注定会流行起来,因为他们解决了研究人员的很多问题。首先, 可能有一个内生变量, 因为许多模型都省略了与模型中的变量相关的变量。其次,数据经常被删剪,而删剪不是随机的。ERM 样本选择选项允许您对选择过程进行建模, 并对其进行调整。或者, 如果您正在使用非随机处理效应模型, 则可以用 ERM处理分配选项。或者, 可以结合处理分配和选择选项, 其中一些是由于后续的行为而损失的拟合内生处理分配模型。


Stata’s reporting features allow you to create Word, PDF, Excel, and HTML documents that incorporate Stata results and graphs with formatted text and tables. Regardless of the type of document you create, you can rely on Stata’s integrated versioning features to ensure that your reports are reproducible.
Want dynamic reports that are updated as your data change? Stata’s reporting features make this easy too. Rerun the command or do-file that created your report with the updated dataset, and all Stata results in the report are updated automatically.
Stata 16 has new and improved reporting features, of course, but just as importantly, all of Stata's reporting features are now documented in a new Reporting Reference Manual. The manual includes many new examples that demonstrate workflows and provide guidance on customizing the Word, PDF, Excel, and HTML documents you create using Stata.

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