matlab软件怎么用 matlab 2020b 视频教程
  • matlab软件怎么用 matlab 2020b 视频教程
  • matlab软件怎么用 matlab 2020b 视频教程
  • matlab软件怎么用 matlab 2020b 视频教程


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Access and Analyze Data
MATLAB data analysis products let you access, visualize, and analyze data within a single environment. You can interactively explore data, build customized analyses, and share your discoveries with others through reports, published code, 3D visualizations, or as complete applications.
Develop Machine Learning Algorithms
Machine learning algorithms use computational methods to "learn" information directly from data without assuming a predetermined equation as a model. They can adaptively improve their performance as you increase the number of samples available for learning. Machine learning algorithms are used in applications such as speech and facial recognition. They are used in big data applications that have large datasets with many predictors (features) and are too complex for simple parametric models.
Computational and Experimental Studies
Neuroscientists turn to MATLAB for a range of use cases:
MATLAB is used to analyze structural, functional, and simulated neural data at all scales, from individual synapses to the whole brain.
Experimental neuroscientists use MATLAB and Simulink to control experiments, including behavioral tasks, psychophysical data streams, and live control loops such as brain-computer interface (BCI) systems.
Computational neuroscientists use MATLAB to simulate neurons and brain circuits, uncovering basic principles and helping to explain and design experiments.
Explore MATLAB resources and recent features for neuroscience applications.
MATLAB® and Simulink® enable automotive engineering organizations to accelerate vehicle development processes and to deliver vehicles that meet market requirements for safety, comfort, fuel economy, and performance.
Automotive engineers use MATLAB and Simulink to:
Run simulations to evaluate trade-offs and optimize designs
Develop and test perception, planning, and control algorithms
Validate requirements early through rapid prototyping
Generate code for prototyping or production, in floating or fixed-point, for MCUs, GPUs, SoCs and FPGA devices
Analyze test fleet and production vehicle data
Comply with AUTOSAR and ISO 26262 standards
Automated Driving and Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS)
Use MATLAB and Simulink to accelerate the development of automated driving functions including perception, planning, and control functions. Run simulations in Simulink to test, integrate, and tune these functions using programmatically generated scenes and maximize test coverage across various road, traffic, and environmental conditions without expensive prototype vehicles.
探索如何使用 MATLAB 进行大数据、机器学习和生产分析。

Development, design, production and sales in one of the manufacturing enterprises

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