REMO 3D正版软件培训 专业培训
  • REMO 3D正版软件培训 专业培训
  • REMO 3D正版软件培训 专业培训
  • REMO 3D正版软件培训 专业培训


使用期限* 许可形式单机和网络版 原产地瑞典 介质下载 适用平台Windows,Linux
There is also a Remo 3D white paper that contains a more comprehensive and technical description of the product.
REMO 3D正版软件培训
Remo 3D是一个非常有效的创建和修改3D模型的工具,并能够实时可视化。Remo 3D的主要文件格式是OpenFlight,但也允许导入或导出其它不同的文件格式。
相对于许多其他的3D建模工具主要用于渲染,Remo 3D能够为用户提供对模型场景图的完整控制,支持对类似于自由度节点、细分等级节点和转换节点等的修改。此外,Remo 3D的建模流程也支持用户聚焦于每一个多边形和**点。总而言之,Remo 3D非常适合三维建模和修改,并能够实时可视化。
Remo 3D中所有可用功能都支持交互式脚本。Remo 3D脚本是使用Lua脚本语言编写,但是所有在Remo 3D中的交互操作也能够被自动记录成脚本,因此,*编写代码也可以制作脚本。
用户自定义的宏(脚本+参数)也可以被添加,这也是Remo 3D中非常有效的新工具。这样一来,场景中的制作都可以进行扩展,允许用户增加新的功能,并在彼此之间分享脚本和宏命令。
Remo 3D supports scripting of all interactively available functionality in Remo 3D. A Remo 3D script is written in the Lua scripting language, but all interactive operations in Remo 3D can also be automatically recorded to a script, so that no coding has to be made.
User-defined macros (script + parameters) can be added, effectively acting as new tools in Remo 3D. This makes the product extensible in the sense that users can add new functionality and share scripts and macros between each other.
REMO 3D正版软件培训
Remo 3D is currently available for Microsoft® Windows® 10/8 64-bit and Linux 64-bit. It has been tested on different versions of Ubuntu, Fedora Core, Debian and SuSE. Other Linux systems may be supported, just download the Remo 3D demo version from the Download section and try it out.
REMO 3D正版软件培训
The following is a list of features supported by Remo 3D v2.9.1:
Remo 3D Features

Development, design, production and sales in one of the manufacturing enterprises

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