matlab正版软件序列号 matlab 2020a 诚信代理
  • matlab正版软件序列号 matlab 2020a 诚信代理
  • matlab正版软件序列号 matlab 2020a 诚信代理
  • matlab正版软件序列号 matlab 2020a 诚信代理


使用期限租赁和* 许可形式单机和网络版 原产地美国 介质下载 适用平台windows,mac,linux
MATLAB 和 Simulink 助力金属、材料和采矿
流程工程师使用 MATLAB® 和 Simulink® 分析实时传感器数据,实施控制策略,并基于大数据和机器学习创建预测性维护系统。
MATLAB 和 Simulink 帮助采矿工程师:
采用数字化而非依赖于数据科学家或 IT 人员
但是,传感器数据并不总适用于机器中多种可能的故障模式 。相反,您可以通过创建机器模型并仿真故障操作条件来使用仿真数据呈现故障。
Simulink 和 Simscape™ 让您构建可根据物理组件和动态描述其行为的机器模型。您可以通过修改参数值、注入故障和更改模型动态呈现机器的不同故障模式。
MATLAB 可以帮助您根据设备的具体操作和架构特性开发自定义预测性维护算法。使用 Predictive Maintenance Toolbox™ 设计状态指示器和估算旋转钻井设备的剩余使用寿命。
您可以使用 Signal Processing Toolbox™ 自动监控控制回路的性能,远程确定管道中的腐蚀或点蚀程度,以及检测管道泄漏的位置和数量。
Acquire, analyze, and explore data and automate tests
The MATLAB® environment for analysis provides the tools you need to acquire data and automate tasks. Within MATLAB and Simulink® you can control and acquire data from plug-in data acquisition boards, test instruments, Web cameras and frame grabbers, as well as send and receive messages over CAN buses.
Once you acquire data, you can interactively explore it and perform live visualization and data analysis. You can then build test systems, verify designs and concepts, and automate repetitive tasks. You can also deploy test applications built in MATLAB onto other computers.
Discrete-event simulation with SimEvents® provides capabilities for analyzing and optimizing event-driven communication using hybrid system models, agent-based models, state charts, and process flows.
Within this integrated modeling and data analysis environment, you can:
Design distributed control systems, hardware architectures, and sensor and communication networks for aerospace, automotive, and electronics applications
Model process flows, perform capacity planning, and optimize supply chains for manufacturing and operations
Analyze and optimize end-to-end latencies, throughput, packet loss, and other performance characteristics of communication networks
Customize queues, routing algorithms, processing delays, and prioritization schemes
Simulate hybrid systems containing time-based, event-based, and agent-based components
Simulate event-driven processes, such as mission plans with autonomous agents or the stages of a manufacturing process
Public Clouds
Use MATLAB on virtual machines in public cloud environments like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure. These vendors provide access to on-demand computing resources. They also offer wide-ranging, prebuilt services for data storage, data streaming, elastic scaling, load balancing, security, and more.
If you are not a cloud expert, or if you want a head start, use a MathWorks published reference architecture. Templates in these reference architectures automatically create and configure the cloud infrastructure for running MATLAB. You can also adapt or extend the reference architectures to better meet your specific needs.

Development, design, production and sales in one of the manufacturing enterprises

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