matlab正版软件序列号 matlab 2020b 专业培训
  • matlab正版软件序列号 matlab 2020b 专业培训
  • matlab正版软件序列号 matlab 2020b 专业培训
  • matlab正版软件序列号 matlab 2020b 专业培训


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MATLAB 实现深度学习
只需要几行 MATLAB® 代码,*成为*,您就能构建深度学习模型。了解如何使用 MATLAB 帮助您执行深度学习任务。
易于访问较新的模型,包括 GoogLeNet、 VGG-16、 VGG-19、AlexNet、ResNet-50、ResNet-101 和 Inception-v3

加速 NVIDIA® GPU、云和数据中心资源上的算法,而*专门编程。
使用 MATLAB 应用程序和可视化工具,创建、修改和分析复杂的深度神经网络架构。
使用应用程序自动进行图像、视频和音频数据的真实值 (ground-truth) 标注。
处理来自 Caffe 和 TensorFlow-Keras 的模型。
MATLAB 支持 ONNX™,所以您可以使用 PyTorch 和 MxNet 之类的框架与同事协作。
Discrete-event simulation with SimEvents® provides capabilities for analyzing and optimizing event-driven communication using hybrid system models, agent-based models, state charts, and process flows.
Within this integrated modeling and data analysis environment, you can:
Design distributed control systems, hardware architectures, and sensor and communication networks for aerospace, automotive, and electronics applications
Model process flows, perform capacity planning, and optimize supply chains for manufacturing and operations
Analyze and optimize end-to-end latencies, throughput, packet loss, and other performance characteristics of communication networks
Customize queues, routing algorithms, processing delays, and prioritization schemes
Simulate hybrid systems containing time-based, event-based, and agent-based components
Simulate event-driven processes, such as mission plans with autonomous agents or the stages of a manufacturing process
为什么使用 MATLAB 实现深度学习?
不再有框架基于 MATLAB 还是 Python 的选择题。使用 ONNX 导入和导出功能,MATLAB 支持与开源深度学习框架的互操作性。使用 MATLAB 工具的较大意义在于——访问 Python 中没有的功能与预置函数及应用程序。
快速开始网络训练。使用特定领域应用程序快速预处理音频、视频和图像数据集。使用 Deep Network Designer 应用程序创建复杂的网络架构,或修改预训练网络以进行迁移学习,在训练之前可视化、检查并修复问题。
可随处部署深度学习模型,包括 CUDA、C 代码、企业系统或云。若在意性能,您可以利用 Intel® (MKL-DNN)、NVIDIA(TensorRT、cuDNN)和 ARM® (ARM Compute Library) 优化库生成代码,创建具有高性能推理速度的可部署模型。
With MATLAB® and related data analysis products you perform analyses and gain insight into your data in a fraction of the time required with spreadsheets or traditional programming languages such as C, C++, or Visual Basic.
These products combine a powerful numeric engine and programming environment with interactive tools for statistical analysis, image processing, ** processing, and other domains. You can:
Access data from files, spreadsheets, databases, test equipment, data acquisition hardware, other software, or the Web
Explore your data to identify trends, test hypotheses, and estimate uncertainty
Create customized algorithms, visualizations, and models and publish customized reports
Share your analysis tools as MATLAB code or as standalone desktop or Web applications

Development, design, production and sales in one of the manufacturing enterprises

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