where ul(r,El) is the (at the origin) regular solution of the radial Schroedinger equation for energy El (chosen normally at the center of the corresponding band with l-like character) and the spherical part of the potential inside sphere t $\dot u_l(r,E_l)$ is the energy derivative of ul taken at the same energy El. A linear combination of these two functions constitute the linearization of the radial function; the coefficients Alm and Blm are functions of kn (see below) determined by requiring that this basis function matches (in value and slope) the corresponding basis function of the interstitial region; $u_l$ and $\dot u_l$ are obtained by numerical integration of the radial Schroedinger equation on a radial mesh inside the sphere.

wien2k是用密度泛函理论计算固体的电子结构。它基于键结构计算准确的方案——完全势能(线性)增广平面波((L)APW)+局域轨道(lo)方法。在密度泛函中可以使用局域(自旋)密度近似(LDA)或广义梯度近似(GGA)。WIEN 2000使用全电子方案,包含相对论影响。
X射线结构因子,Baders的“分子中的原子”概念,总能量,力,平衡结构,结构优化,分子动力学,电场梯度,异构移,**精细场,自旋较化(铁磁性和反铁磁性结构),自旋-轨道耦合,X射线发射和吸收谱,电子能量损失谱计算固体的光学特性费米表面LDA,GGA,meta-GGA,LDA+U,轨道较化中心对称和非中心对称晶格,内置230个空间群图形用户界面和用户指南友好的用户环境W2web (WIEN to WEB)可以很*的产生和修改输入文件。它还能帮助用户执行各种任务(如电子密度,态密度,等)。

A very recent extensive overview is given in:
WIEN2k: An APW+lo program for calculating the properties of solids.
P. Blaha, K.Schwarz, F. Tran, R. Laskowski, G.K.H. Madsen and L.D. Marks,
J. Chem. Phys. 152, 074101 (2020)

Wien2k 密度泛函理论计算固体的电子结构软件
Wien2k使用密度泛函理论计算固体的电子结构。它基于键结构计算准确的方案——完全势能(线性)增广平面波((L)APW)+局域轨道(lo)方法。在密度泛函中可以使用局域(自旋)密度近似(LDA)或广义梯度近似(GGA)。它已被近3000个用户组授权,在Google scholar上有大约12000个引用。
计算一些参数(w2web中的Guided Tasks)
Features and Calculated Properties
LDA, GGA, meta-GGA (libxc interface), LDA+U and EECE, orbital polarization, Hybrid-DFT
centro- or non-centrosymmetric cells (mode), all 230 spacegroups built in
spin-polarization (ferro- or antiferromagnetic structures), spin-orbit coupling
sequential mode, k-parallel mode (without MPI, slow network with common NFS), massively parallel MPI mode (shared memory or Infiniband)
Energy bands and density of states
electron densities and spin densities, x-ray structure factors, potentials, STM and AFM simulations
Baders's "atoms-in-molecule" concept
total energy, forces, equilibrium geometries, structure optimization, elastic constants, molecular dynamics
Phonons, with an interface to K.Parlinski's PHONON or A. Togos Phonopy program
electric field gradients, isomer shifts, hyperfine fields, NMR chemical shifts, NMR Knight shifts
x-ray emission and absorption spectra, electron energy loss spectra
optical properties
fermi surfaces