Note that set elements are stored as character strings, so the elements of t are not numbers.
Another convenient feature is the alias statement, which is used to give another name to a previously declared set. In the
following example:
Alias (t,tp);
the name tp is like a t0 in mathematical notation. It is useful in models that are concerned with the interactions of elements
within the same set.
The sets i, j, t, and m in the statements above are examples of static sets, i.e., they are assigned their members directly by the
user and do not change. GAMS has several capabilities for creating dynamic sets, which acquire their members through the
execution of set-theoretic and logical operations. Dynamic sets are discussed in Chapter Dynamic Sets. Another valuable
advanced feature is multidimensional sets, which are discussed in Section Multi-dimensional Sets.

Here are some points to remember when using the list format.
1. The list of domain elements and their respective parameter values can be laid out in almost any way you like. The only
rules are that the entire list must be enclosed in slashes and that the element-value pairs must be separated by commas
or entered on separate lines.
2. There is no semicolon separating the element-value list from the name, domain, and text that precede it. This is because
the same statement is being used for declaration and assignment when you use the list format. (An element-value list
by itself is not interpretable by GAMS and will result in an error message.)
3. The GAMS compiler has an unusual feature called domain checking, which verifies that each domain element in the
list is in fact a member of the appropriate set. For example, if you were to spell 'Seattle' correctly in the statement
declaring Set i but misspell it as 'Seatle' in a subsequent element-value list, the GAMS compiler would give you an
error message that the element 'Seatle' does not belong to the set i.
4. Zero is the default value for all parameters. Therefore, you only need to include the nonzero entries in the element-value
list, and these can be entered in any order .

These results indicate, for example, that it is optimal to send nothing from Seattle to Topeka, but if you insist on sending one
case it will add .036 $K (or $36.00) to the optimal cost. (Can you prove that this figure is correct from the optimal shipments
and the given data?)

The use of the relational data model requires that the allocation of computer resources be automated. This means that
large and complex models can be constructed without the user having to worry about details such as array sizes and
scratch storage.