Optimal design of controller parameters
Industrial systems including compensation controllers, drives, electric furnaces, filters, etc.
Investigation of new circuit and control concepts
Lightning strikes, faults or breaker operations.
Steep front and fast front studies.
Investigate the pulsing effects of diesel engines and wind turbines on electric networks.
EMTDC users can easily write their own models, from very simple to very advanced. We provide an inherent interface to all main program variables and storage elements, which allows direct access for users.
EMTDC users can write in Fortran, C and MATLAB.
The EMTDC program takes advantage of the new Fortran 90/95 standard, which allows it to dynamically allocate memory at the beginning of each run.
Initialization of systems with a Snapshot File. This initialization technique is very fast, and works for very large systems. It is the only practical method when highly non-linear systems (such as systems with HVDC and power electronics) are represented.
Transmission Line and Cable models are superior in EMTDC.
Full-time, professional support services are provided for EMTDC by the Manitoba Hydro International Ltd.
Component source is inserted in either DSDYN or DSOUT, depending on what the component is connected to. Decisions are made by an involved internal algorithm in PSCAD, which ensures that both feedback and feed-forward **s are properly sequenced, minimizing time delays. However, component source may also be forced into either DSDYN or DSOUT at the user’s discretion. To force source into a specific subroutine, use either the DSDYN or DSOUT segments. To utilize the internal algorithm, use the Fortran segment. For more details on these segments, see the section called Segment Types in the Component Design chapter of the PSCAD Manual.
Example on Time Delays and Code Placement
As mentioned above, it is important to establish the proper use of DSDYN and DSOUT to avoid unnecessary time step delays. Meters used for the measurement of voltage and currents for example, are primarily defined in DSOUT: This is the logical subroutine to choose, as DSOUT will supply the measured quantities directly following the network solution. However, measured quantities are often used as inputs to control systems, where the individual control components are defined in DSDYN. Since there is a time step increment between DSOUT and DSDYN, the control system may be basing outputs on quantities defined in the previous time step.
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