使用预置的工具,通过均值-方差、平均离差 (MAD)、条件风险值 (CVaR) 和 Black-Litterman 模型执行投资组合优化。
运用风险调整后的 alpha值、跟踪误差、大跌幅和夏普比率(Sharpe ratio)来衡量投资业绩。
针对美联储银行压力测试( CCAR)、多德-弗兰克法案压力测试 (DFAST)、巴塞尔协议3(Basel III) 和 欧盟偿付能力II(Solvency II) 这些要求来构建风险管理体系或压力测试架构。
使用模型和函数来量化风险暴露(如市场风险、信用风险和运营风险等),使用 VaR 和预期缺口回测进行模型的验证,用机器学习算法和文本分析作为传统方法的补充。
使用 MATLAB 代码实时执行交易策略。
Signal processing is essential for a wide range of applications, from data science to real-time embedded systems. MATLAB® and Simulink® products make it easy to use ** processing techniques to explore and analyze time-series data, and they provide a unified workflow for the development of embedded systems and streaming applications.
With MATLAB and Simulink ** processing products, you can:
Acquire, measure, and analyze **s from many sources.
Design streaming algorithms for audio, smart sensor, instrumentation, and IoT devices.
Prototype, test, and implement DSP algorithms on PCs, embedded processors, SoCs, and FPGAs.
Signal processing is essential for a wide range of applications, from data science to real-time embedded systems. MATLAB® and Simulink® products make it easy to use ** processing techniques to explore and analyze time-series data, and they provide a unified workflow for the development of embedded systems and streaming applications.
With MATLAB and Simulink ** processing products, you can:
Acquire, measure, and analyze **s from many sources.
Design streaming algorithms for audio, smart sensor, instrumentation, and IoT devices.
Prototype, test, and implement DSP algorithms on PCs, embedded processors, SoCs, and FPGAs.
Signal Analysis for Everyone
MATLAB and ** processing products help you analyze **s from a range of data sources. You can acquire, measure, transform, filter, and visualize **s without being an expert in ** processing theory. You can apply ** processing tools to:
Preprocess and filter **s prior to analysis.
Explore and extract features for data analytics and machine learning applications.
Analyze trends and discover patterns in **s.
Visualize and measure time and frequency characteristics of **s.
使用 MATLAB 和 Simulink 构建准确的对象模型。使用各种支持的建模方法描述对象的复杂动态,并针对对象的每个组件使用合适的方法,以创建系统级的对象模型。
分析和开发闭环补偿器,以及访问关键性能参数,如**调量、上升时间和稳定裕度。配平和线性化非线性 Simulink 模型。还可以建模和分析不确定因素对于模型性能和稳定性的影响。
利用波特图、根轨迹图和其他线性控制设计方法,并在仿真模型中或测试硬件上自动调节 PID 控制器。您可以使用预置工具自动调节分散的多变量控制器,并利用模型预测控制和稳健控制等控制策略。使用优化方法计算控制器增益,从而满足上升时间和**调量的约束条件。
Stateflow 能够对控制系统中的调度逻辑进行建模、设计和模拟,以安排控制器的运转、控制系统的操作模式并执行故障检测、隔离与恢复 (FDIR)。
With MATLAB® and related data analysis products you perform analyses and gain insight into your data in a fraction of the time required with spreadsheets or traditional programming languages such as C, C++, or Visual Basic.
These products combine a powerful numeric engine and programming environment with interactive tools for statistical analysis, image processing, ** processing, and other domains. You can:
Access data from files, spreadsheets, databases, test equipment, data acquisition hardware, other software, or the Web
Explore your data to identify trends, test hypotheses, and estimate uncertainty
Create customized algorithms, visualizations, and models and publish customized reports
Share your analysis tools as MATLAB code or as standalone desktop or Web applications