The placement of blank spaces and lines (as well as the choice of upper- or lowercase) is up to you. Each GAMS user tends
to develop individual stylistic conventions. (The use of the singular set is also up to you. Using set in a statement that
makes a single declaration and sets in one that makes several is good English, but GAMS treats the singular and plural
A convenient feature to use when you are assigning members to a set is the asterisk. It applies to cases when the elements
follow a sequence. For example, the following are valid set statements in GAMS.
GAMS was developed to improve on this situation by:
• Providing a high-level language for the compact representation of large and complex models
• Allowing changes to be made in model specifications simply and safely
• Allowing unambiguous statements of algebraic relationships
• Permitting model descriptions that are independent of solution algorithms
2 Basic Features of GAMS
2.1 General Principles
The design of GAMS has incorporated ideas drawn from relational database theory and mathematical programming and
has attempted to merge these ideas to suit the needs of strategic modelers. Relational database theory provides a structured
framework for developing general data organization and transformation capabilities. Mathematical programming provides a
way of describing a problem and a variety of methods for solving it. The following principles were used in designing the
1. All existing algorithmic methods should be available without changing the user's model representation. Introduction of
new methods, or of new implementations of existing methods, should be possible without requiring changes in existing
models. Linear, nonlinear, mixed integer, mixed integer nonlinear optimizations and mixed complementarity problems
can currently be accommodated.
2. The optimization problem should be expressible independently of the data it uses. This separation of logic and data
allows a problem to be increased in size without causing an increase in the complexity of the representation.
It is important to emphasize the presence of the semicolon at the end of the first line. Without it, the GAMS compiler would
attempt to interpret both lines as parts of the same statement. (GAMS would fail to discern a valid interpretation, so it would
send you a terse but helpful error message.)
The effects of the first statement above are to declare the parameter c, to specify the domain (i,j), and to provide some
documentary text. The second statement assigns to c(i,j) the product of the values of the parameters f and d(i,j).
Naturally, this is legal in GAMS only if you have already assigned values to f and d(i,j) in previous statements.
The direct assignment above applies to all (i,j) pairs in the domain of c. If you wish to make assignments for specific
elements in the domain, you enclose the element names in quotes. For example,
CyBio在2009年并入到Analytik Jena AG中,马克斯普朗克研究所马格德堡开发了利用GAMS的优化方法来增加机器人筛选系统的产量。GAMS驱动检测方法的优化较大地提高了高通量筛选系统的生产速度并改进了实验数据的质量。
CyBio Scheduler的中心部分是用GAMS编写的代数模型.它描述了一种让所有部件空闲时间小化的筛查系统从而保证关键资源的有效利用。可以使用多个资源来完成不同的任务,因此,筛选系统可以同时使用其他闲置设备来处理大量的微板。短而直接的微板促进资源利用,从而提高了生产效率。该模型在协调资源访问时避免了冲突,并确保所得到的调度是未锁定的。
用户可以从系统布局决策中解脱出来,并可以专注于实验。随着GAMS模型在后台运行,CyBio Scheduler着重于提供一个简单且方便的用户体验。它隐藏了将分析协议映射到当前系统设计的复杂性并且为目标找到全局优解,以小化循环时间。
用户可以从系统布局决策中解脱出来,并且可以专注于这个实验。CyBio Scheduler可以在它们需要的地方自动插入微板传输,解决资源分配冲突的问题,允许潜伏并且可以轻松的。根据立任务的数量、涉及的组件和约束,所生成的模型可能相当复杂。优解通常计算得足够快,才可以让用户验证是否可以放松某些约束,以便得出更好的结果。