The [1] displayed in the first pane indicates that only a single peptide has been highlighted. You can highlight multiple sequences by holding down the shift button while selecting additional regions. Up to three regions can be selected at a given time. The region covered will only be shown for the last selection, while the mass will be for the total..
Start by loading a sequence already saved in a file on the hard drive.
The program runs on all 32-bit versions of Windows since Windows 2000 (i.e. 2000, XP, Vista, Win7). It will also run on current 64-bit versions, but has not been thoroughly tested on this platforms. It can also run on Mac systems with a Windows emulator, but full compatibility is not guaranteed.
Except for the ms/ms search, the program does not need a strong processor or fast hard disk but can run on any system. Running the ms/ms search you need a screen with SVGA+ resolution, otherwise, you can even run it on a netbook.
he Close button closes the sequence window and all daughter windows (i.e. peptide, cleavage, search and graphical windows)