在 GPU 上扩展 MATLAB 只需较少的代码更改
使用 500 多个支持 CUDA 的 MATLAB 函数,在 NVIDIA GPU 上运行 MATLAB 代码。使用工具箱中启用了 GPU 的函数,实现深度学习、机器学习、计算机视觉和信号处理等应用。Parallel Computing Toolbox 提供 gpuArray,这是一个具有关联函数的数组类型,可让您直接从 MATLAB 在支持 CUDA 的 NVIDIA GPU 上执行计算,而*学习低级 GPU 计算库。
*编写任何额外代码即可使用 GPU 资源,因此可以专注于应用本身而不是性能调优。
使用 parfor 和 spmd 等并行语言结构,可以在多个 GPU 上执行计算。在多个 GPU 上训练模型只需轻松调整训练选项。
借助 MATLAB,*任何额外 C 编程,还可以将您的现有 CUDA kernel集成到 MATLAB 应用程序。
部署从 MATLAB 生成的 CUDA 代码,使用 TensorRT 实现推理部署
使用 GPU Coder 从 MATLAB 代码生成优化的 CUDA 代码,用于深度学习、嵌入式视觉和自主系统。生成的代码自动调用优化的 NVIDIA CUDA 库,包括 TensorRT、cuDNN 和 cuBLAS,可在 NVIDIA GPU 上低延迟、高吞吐量地运行。将生成的代码作为源代码、静态库或动态库集成到您的项目,然后部署这些代码,从而可在 NVIDIA Volta®、NVIDIA Tesla®、NVIDIA Jetson® 和 NVIDIA DRIVE® 等 GPU 上运行。
Access and Analyze Data
MATLAB data analysis products let you access, visualize, and analyze data within a single environment. You can interactively explore data, build customized analyses, and share your discoveries with others through reports, published code, 3D visualizations, or as complete applications.
Develop Machine Learning Algorithms
Machine learning algorithms use computational methods to "learn" information directly from data without assuming a predetermined equation as a model. They can adaptively improve their performance as you increase the number of samples available for learning. Machine learning algorithms are used in applications such as speech and facial recognition. They are used in big data applications that have large datasets with many predictors (features) and are too complex for simple parametric models.
**的和科学家们都依赖 MATLAB
Engineers working toward an optimized design must develop their software and physical system together. MathWorks physical modeling tools bring accuracy and efficiency to this effort by enabling you to:
Assemble system-level models that span multiple physical domains and include the control system in a single environment
Create reusable models of your physical system with physical ports, in addition to input and output **s
Model custom physical components (mechanical, electrical, and other physical domains) using a MATLAB based physical modeling language
Extend your analysis with 3D visualization and additional simulation methods
You can convert the models of your physical system to C code and deploy the code to other environments for tasks such as hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing. These models support all phases of Model-Based Design.