Insulation coordination of transformers, breakers and arrestors
Impulse testing of transformers
Sub-synchronous resonance (SSR) studies of networks with machines, transmission lines and HVDC systems
Evaluation of filter design
Harmonic analysis including resonance
Control system design and coordination of FACTS and HVDC; including STATCOM, VSC, etc.
Variable speed drives of various types, including cycloconverters and transportation and ship drives.
Preparation and testing time is reduced due to the PSCAD Graphical User Interface.
In EMTDC, many series and parallel electric elements are mathematically collapsed (such as an RLC branch) to reduce the amount of nodes and branches.
The Optimal Ordering algorithm in EMTDC serves to increase LDU matrix decomposition speed.
The Optimal Switch Ordering algorithm ensures that switching operations are very fast and efficient by moving switching elements to optimal conductance matrix positions.
EMTDC utilizes subsystems, which takes advantage of the fact that the numerical solution of electric networks, separated by travelling wave transmission lines, are mathematically independent.
An Interpolation algorithm is used in EMTDC to perform switching operations. This allows any switching event to occur at the exact switching instant, even if this instant is between time steps. This allows EMTDC to run at a larger time step (faster), yet maintain accurate results. Also, additional snubber circuits are not needed to address inherent numerical troubles.
EMTDC now serves as the electromagnetic transients solution engine for the PSCAD family of products. PSCAD is used extensively for many types of AC and DC power simulation studies, including: Power electronics (FACTS), sub-synchronous resonance and lightning over-voltages (to name a few).
An EMTDC simulation begins at a specified start time and finishes at a specified end time. Between these two times, the program performs the same sequential process iteratively, each iteration incrementing the time by a specified interval. This interval is referred to as a time step, which remains constant (i.e. fixed) during the course of the simulation.
As illustrated by Figure 2-1, the core solution process begins and ends with the system dynamics. First, variables are initialized and stored in BEGIN. Dynamic functions are performed in DSDYN, which includes the preparation of electric network devices such as sources, etc., as well as the manipulation of control **s. The electric network is solved and the resulting measured quantities are considered, along with any post-solution processing requirements, in DSOUT, before the time step is incremented.
Of course, the complete EMTDC solution sequence is more involved than that shown in Figure 2-1. There are several other features present that ensure solution accuracy and speed; all of which are discussed in the following sections. A more complete program process is illustrated in Figure 2-2.
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