SEGMENTATION模型创建跨多个输入带具有光谱相似性的段的图像。这个例子显示了来自panmerged quickbird图像的两级分割。左边的图像使用了比右边更大的相似性阈值,从而导致更广泛、更不均匀的片段。改变这个阈值可以分割对象,如林立、树冠或建筑物。
Earth Trends Modeler (ETM)是为地球观测图像时间序列分析而设计的。在这幅图中,我们分析了348幅**每月NDVI植被指数数据图像的季节性趋势。像素颜色为灰色(几乎没有)表示一个稳定的季节性。所有其他颜色代表趋势。ETM提供了一个交互式的图例(左下角)来解释任何地区(本例中为阿拉巴马州东部和格鲁吉亚西部地区)的趋势。绿色曲线代表系列(1982年)的开始,红色曲线代表系列(2010年)的结束。X轴是时间,Y轴是ndvi。如图所示,随着双峰性的增加,ndvi通常会增加。春天来得早了一点(11天),秋天延长了一点(将近30天)。
Ecosystem Services Modeler (ESM) 与自然资本项目开发的投资工具密切相关。实施了15种生态系统服务模式。在本图中,ESM用于评估2*马萨诸塞州的产水量和缺水情况。预测的土地覆盖输入由陆地变化建模生成,预测的降水量由陆地气候变化适应建模生成。水量输出用于计算2*次级流域的水电潜力。
The IDRISI Image Processing System in TerrSet is an extensive set of procedures for image restoration, enhancement, transformation and classification of remotely sensed imagery.
Land Change Modeler (LCM) is an innovative land planning and decision support software tool for land change analysis and prediction with a special facility for REDD project-level modeling.
A new PANSHARPEN module that offers both an Intensity-Hue-Saturation (HIS) model and a Hyperspherical Color Sharpening (HCS) model.
SUBSAMPLE – a procedure for sub-sampling training data, including the creation of balanced samples where each class has an equal sized sample.
The Land Change Modeler has undergone a major revision:
LCM includes three new empirical modeling tools – Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Forest (an implementation of Random Forest) and Weighted Normalized Likelihood (WNL). The latter is capable of modeling large numbers of transitions in a rapid time frame.
We have also added the option to use a balanced sample with Logistic Regression, yielding transition potentials more in line with those produced by procedures such as LCM’s Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP).
Revised to allow the automatic modeling of multiple transitions for all procedures, with the exception of SimWeight.
Adds the ability to quickly add all transitions to a single group, or to ungroup them and use automatic transition names.
Greatly improved control of project flow.
TerrSet is an integrated geospatial software system for monitoring and modeling the earth system for sustainable development. The TerrSet system incorporates the IDRISI GIS Analysis and IDRISI Image Processing tools along with a constellation of vertical applications. TerrSet offers the most extensive set of geospatial tools in the industry in a single, affordable package. There is no need to buy costly add-ons to extend your research capabilities.