Unscrambler X的特点和优点
回归和分类方法:软件具有的回归、分类和预测建模工具, 包括聚类分析,PCA, MCR, PCR,MLR,PLS-R,L-PLS,LDA,PLS-DA,SIMCA,支持向量机。
探索性数据分析工具:使用The Unscrambler X很*实现数据挖掘。它强大的探索性数据分析工具让您可以通过大型数据集来快速轻松地识别底层模式。
数据预处理:广泛的数据预处理选项可确保数据适用于多元分析。包括平滑, Savitzky-Golay, COW。
实验设计:CAMO软件与Stat-Ease, Inc.合作,为客户提供两个的软件包,并在一个解决方案中提供的数据分析。
广泛的知识库和随时的帮助: 软件有我们的编写的详细教程, 解释了MVA方法的理论和应用, 以及使用软件的实际示例和提示。
改进的安全性和遵从性:遵从模式、数字签名、密码访问、windows 域身份验证和审核跟踪为受管制的行业提供了必要的安全要求。Unscrambler X符合21 CFR Part 11(电子记录)。
灵活且适应性强的体系结构: 特定方法或文件格式的插件模块为Unscrambler X提供了灵活性, 以满足任何行业的需求。Unscrambler X模型还可以集成到第三方应用程序中。
Analytics built for industrial data
Powerful multivariate methods, statistics and Design of Experiments, with unique capabilities for spectroscopy and chemometrics.
Works with all types of data
Analyse all types of data like material, sensor, process and product with direct import from analysers or through connectors like OPC, OSI-PI and ODBC.
![THE UNSCRAMBLER正版软件购买](//l.b2b168.com/2021/09/28/11/20210928113905902094.jpg)
Flexibility without complexity
Easily run thousands of free Python scripts in Unscrambler for additional instrument formats, preprocessing tools and machine learning methods.
![THE UNSCRAMBLER正版软件购买](//l.b2b168.com/2021/09/27/17/202109271702134388824.jpg)
Process control
Monitor and control the health and performance of your manufacturing processes with the Unscrambler Process Pulse to keep your batch and continuous operations running smoothly. Process Pulse presents you with an intuitive multivariate control chart with early fault detection and process deviation warnings, so operators can stop quality or inconsistency problems from ever happening.
![THE UNSCRAMBLER正版软件购买](//l.b2b168.com/2021/09/27/17/202109271702134038204.jpg)
Process Pulse is an integrated platform for Process Analytical Technology (PAT) with all the tools needed for continuous manufacturing.