Chemcraft extracts tables of molecular orbital coefficients from the output files, which can be visualized in the form of isosurfaces or colored figures. The program can read orbitals from GAMESS/Gaussian output files and Gaussian Checkpoint files (.chk, .fch), as well as computed maps in Gaussian Cube files and ADF ASCII TAPE41 files. For Gaussian computations, "#P GFINPUT POP(FULL)" should be specified in input file, so that the orbitals and basis set information are printed in the output file.
The program combines advanced graphical user interface and wholesome features designed for practical use. Chemcraft provides very detailed structured visualization of output files, based on dividing a file into separate elements and presenting them in an hierarchical multi-level list; this feature allows one to easily analyze complicated files, such as scan jobs, IRC jobs, or multi-job calculations. The graphical engine of Chemcraft does not require any hardware acceleration.
Menu items "Edit/Add atom" and "Edit/Add fragment" allow new molecules to be built from individual atoms or molecular fragments (radicals, etc). The possibility to edit the set of standard fragments and supplement it with custom fragments is provided ("Edit/Add selected fragment to database"). Keys Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V provide the transfer of fragments via clipboard (e.g., to copy a radical from one molecule to another).
Different labels of various styles can be shown on atoms and bonds by double-clicking on them, as well as by using "View/Labels on atoms" menu items or buttons , and further. Chemcraft also allows additional labels and lines to be added to the picture of molecule from the "Auxiliary designations" panel, enabled by the button (at the bottom). For more detailed description, see Obtaining publication-ready pictures.