EMTDC uses a Chatter Removal algorithm (related to the Interpolation algorithm) to remove these unwanted oscillations.
EMTDC does not restrict how circuit elements can be combined: Users can place any number of switching elements, sources, etc. in series or in parallel.
EMTDC switching devices and sources can be ideal (i.e. 0 resistance) or non-ideal (where the user can enter the on/off resistance values).
EMTDC vs. Other EMTP-Type Programs
The electric network solution in EMTDC and some other EMTP-type programs, are based on the principles outlined in the classic 1969 paper by Hermann Dommel [1]. However, EMTDC has been independently developed from these other programs.
Virtually all power system models and techniques used in other EMTP-type programs are available in EMTDC. Some of the major differences between EMTDC and the other programs are listed as follows:
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