Time vs. Phasor Domain Simulation
EMTDC is a class of simulation tool, which differs from phasor domain solution engines, such as load-flow and transient stability programs. These tools utilize steady-state equations to represent electrical circuits, but will actually solve the differential equations of machine mechanical dynamics.
EMTDC results are solved as instantaneous values in time, yet can be converted into phasor magnitudes and angles via built-in transducer and measurement functions in PSCAD - similar to the way real system measurements are performed.
Since load-flow and stability programs work with steady-state equations to represent the power system, they can output only fundamental frequency magnitude and phase information. EMTDC can duplicate the response of the power system at all frequencies, bounded only by the user-selected time step.
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Print history:
• February 3, 2003 - Version 4.0.0, first printing
• March 21, 2003 - Version 4.0.1
• July 17, 2003 - Version 4.0.2, second printing
• April 30, 2004 - Version 4.1.0, third printing
• April, 2005 - Version 4.2.0, fourth printing
• February, 2010 - Version 4.2.1, fifth printing
• April, 2016 - Version 4.6.0
• May 9, 2018 – Version 4.6.0, updated to new MHI Branding Guidelines
PSCAD / EMTDC允许您轻松构建,仿真和建模系统,从而为电力系统仿真提供了无限的可能性。 我们易于使用的界面,并行处理以及自动化和脚本功能为以下应用程序提供了**的可靠性,速度和准确性。
Preparation and testing time is reduced due to the PSCAD Graphical User Interface.
In EMTDC, many series and parallel electric elements are mathematically collapsed (such as an RLC branch) to reduce the amount of nodes and branches.
The Optimal Ordering algorithm in EMTDC serves to increase LDU matrix decomposition speed.
The Optimal Switch Ordering algorithm ensures that switching operations are very fast and efficient by moving switching elements to optimal conductance matrix positions.
EMTDC utilizes subsystems, which takes advantage of the fact that the numerical solution of electric networks, separated by travelling wave transmission lines, are mathematically independent.
An Interpolation algorithm is used in EMTDC to perform switching operations. This allows any switching event to occur at the exact switching instant, even if this instant is between time steps. This allows EMTDC to run at a larger time step (faster), yet maintain accurate results. Also, additional snubber circuits are not needed to address inherent numerical troubles.