2021年2月PSCAD V5正式发布,这是自X4版本之后大的一次版本更新,本次更新了大量的功能,修复了大量的bugs。同时还发布了PRSIM电力数据格式转换软件,PowerFactory或PSSE格式的数据,通过PRSIM轻松转换成适用于PSCAD软件的格式。
System Dynamics
The system dynamics is an essential part of the EMTDC solution process. It serves to encompass the electric network, providing the ability to interface with it on either side: Data may be controlled from one side, while extracted from the other.
Essentially a Fortran program in its own right, the system dynamics is built according to customizable specifications. These specifications are normally provided through PSCAD, in the form of components and modules. Components and modules are graphical representations of how the final program is to be structured, where each module, including the main page, is represented by a unique Fortran file. This file consists of declarations for a DSDYN subroutine, a DSOUT subroutine, and two BEGIN subroutines. Components always exist within modules, so as such they represent inline code that combines to define the contents of each subroutine.
Of course, some components are electrical in nature and hence provide information for the construction of the electric network as well. This information is collected and inserted into a Data file, where each module in a project possesses its own unique Data file. Data files are discussed in more detail later on in the section entitled Electric Network Solution.
Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Print history:
• February 3, 2003 - Version 4.0.0, first printing
• March 21, 2003 - Version 4.0.1
• July 17, 2003 - Version 4.0.2, second printing
• April 30, 2004 - Version 4.1.0, third printing
• April, 2005 - Version 4.2.0, fourth printing
• February, 2010 - Version 4.2.1, fifth printing
• April, 2016 - Version 4.6.0
• May 9, 2018 – Version 4.6.0, updated to new MHI Branding Guidelines
When digital programs were first developed for power system analysis, the computers available were the old mainframe type used by the company for their accounts and billing. A team of specialists, whose function was to oversee all transactions involving the system, also serviced the system. The technical user was but a slave to the whims of these specialists, whose power lay in their ability to speak the system language: The interpretation of a mysterious jumble of words known only as 'JCL' was a jealously guarded secret. Consequently, the 'end user' (or more humiliatingly the 'client') was kept in hand and normally suffered through the computer programs so condescendingly provided.
These computer programs were supposedly structured to anticipate, as the programmers hoped, the every need of the technical user. Model construction and variation was accomplished by data entry. Unfortunately, it was impossible to anticipate all needs. Developments in power system technologies out-sped advancements in the computer programs. Because of these limitations in program flexibility, the programs always lagged in representation of the emerging power system. The creative potential of the technical specialist could not be fully realized with such program modeling restrictions.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically, for any purpose without the express written permission of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd.
PSCAD™ is a registered trademark of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd.
EMTDC™ is a trademark of Manitoba Hydro, and Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. is a registered user.
Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 7, Vista, Developer Studio are the registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
Intel and Intel Visual Fortran are trademarks of Intel Corporation.
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