Communicate your findings, clearly and convincingly
Customize virtually every aspect of the plot, including the axes, ticks, grids, labels, markers, lines, and colors. Place multiple plots on a single page using our Layout window. Easily export plots or layouts by copying and pasting, or export in a variety of high resolution formats.
Explore, analyze, and learn from your results
Use KaleidaGraph’s powerful nonlinear curve fitting to define and fit your own equation, apply one of our Least Squares fits, or use one of our smoothing fits to help improve the display of your data. Add error bars in almost any way imaginable.
We use KaleidaGraph daily, and the curve fitting is so simple that we can test various models to better extract physiological parameters, etc. Curve fitting is very limited in Excel, and unlimited in KaleidaGraph.
易于使用的分析数据的命令包括各种基本统计数据、Student t-test、方差分析和Wilcoxon。使用公式窗口来操作数据,从方便的菜单可以使用**过100个代数方程和统计函数。
Flexible Data Entry
When KaleidaGraph is first launched, the user is presented with a data window and formula entry window. Each data window supports a maximum of 1000 columns and 1 million rows. Microsoft Excel files can be opened directly into KaleidaGraph, and users can specify the structure of text files as they are being imported. Pertinent information about the data can be stored using the Posted Note feature of the data window.
The formula entry window provides the ability to manipulate data with a variety of algebraic and statistical functions. These operations can be performed on an entire column of data, a data selection, or a single cell in the data window.