The graph is created with the specified properties. You can change the
properties of a selected graph, plot, or axis through the Property Manager.
Creating Graphs in the Plot Window
The most common method of creating graphs is to use the Home | New
Graph commands. To create a graph in the plot window:
1. Click or scroll to the Home tab.
2. In the New Graph group, click the Basic, Bar, Polar, Ternary,
Specialty, Statistical, or Contour Surface plot category.
3. Click on the plot type you would like to create.
4. Select a data file in the Open Worksheet dialog and click Open. If you
are creating a contour grid map or surface grid map, you are prompted
for a .GRD file. If you are creating
The Scripter program, included with Grapher, is useful in creating, editing,
and running files that automate Grapher procedures. By writing and
running files, simple mundane tasks or complex system integration
tasks can be performed precisely and repetitively without direct
interaction. Grapher also supports ActiveX Automation using any
compatible client, such as Visual BASIC. The automation capabilities allow
Grapher to be used as a data visualization and graph generation postprocessor for any scientific modeling system.
Grapher .GRT Template Files
Grapher .GRT files are used to create a template with set graphing
preferences. A saved template file does not contain a reference to a
specific data file. This means that once the template graph is created, you
can use the template with any data set. You can use the template to set
options such as the number of decimal places on axis tick mark labels,
label angles, axis labels, graph titles, line plot colors, fill colors, symbol
size, or any other graphing option. If a .GRT file is sent to a colleague,
they can use their own data set with the file to create a graph based on
the specifications in the template file. This format is preferred when the
layout of the graph needs to remain consistent with a variety of similarly
formatted data files.
Data Files
In most cases, there is a prompt for a data file when you create a graph in
Grapher. Data files can be imported from a variety of sources, such as
ASCII text files, Excel files, or database files. Data can be entered directly
into Grapher’s worksheet if the files do not already exist. The data needs
to be in column and row format. Data files can also be created, edited, and
saved in Grapher's worksheet. Some of the most commonly used data
types are described in the following sections.