Kriging provides an optimal interpolation of points across an area for which autocorrelation (semivariance) has been documented and measured with variograms or semivariograms. GS+ provides both block and punctual kriging, and allows the user to choose the most appropriate variogram / semivariogram model to use for the interpolation.

What was new in Version 7:
A new interpolation method - Conditional simulation reports z-estimates, standard deviations of estimates, and the likelihood of exceeding some target z-value
7 new autocorrelation measures in addition to variograms, madograms, Moran's I, and fractals: drift, rodograms, correlograms, covariograms, standardized variograms, and pairwise relative and general relative variograms -- all displayed in the same tabbed autocorrelation window
Easier variogram modeling that includes slider controls to immediately visualize parameter changes
h-Scattergram analysis in addition to cloud variance analysis to detect outliers
Improved variogram mapping - faster and more precise
Easy data masking from h-Scattergram and Variance Cloud windows: quickly remove outlier data points from analysis
Improved graph customizations - for example, separate fonts for axis values and titles

GS+ 环境科学地质统计学软件
GS+软件于1988年作为个针对个人电脑和工作站的综合地理统计程序被引入。它很快成为**用户使用的地理统计程序。广受**的是,GS+是个通过集成包提供半方差分析的地理统计软件,它提供了所要求的灵活性和新手所欣赏的简单性。GS+支持从Windows 7到10的操作系统。
Create interpolation output files that are usable by many other programs
GS+ creates interpolation output files (from kriging, cokriging, simulation, or inverse distance techniques) that can be read into many other types of mapping programs. GS+ will use these files to create it’s own maps or you can read the data into any GIS or mapping program that supports ArcInfo® or Surfer® input formats.
Cross-validation allows you to test your interpolation system against sampled data
In cross-validation analysis each measured point in a spatial domain is individually removed from the domain and its value estimated via kriging or inverse distance weighting as though it were never there. In this way a graph of estimated vs. actual values for each sample location in the domain can be constructed and used to test the interpolation system.

Geostatistics is a class of statistical techniques developed to analyze and predict values of a variable distributed in space or time. It begins with a type of autocorrelation analysis called variography or semivariance analysis, in which the degree of self-similarity is displayed as a variogram. The variogram model is used to predict unsampled locations by kriging or conditional simulation, which produces estimates of the variable across the entire spatial or temporal domain