Create customized reports with SigmaPlot’s Report Editor or embed your graphs in any OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) container – word processors, Microsoft PowerPoint or another graphics program. Then, double click your graph to edit directly inside your document. Quickly send your high-resolution graphs online to share with others.
SigmaPlot 统计绘图软件
“select left and change right”程序使您的图形编辑更快捷方便。SigmaPlot带您追赶简单的电子表格,帮助您清楚而准确地展示您的工作。用SigmaPlot,您不需要花几个小时就可以生成高质量的图表。SigmaPlot无缝集成Microsoft Office,您可以轻松导入Microsoft Excel表格,并在Microsoft PowerPoint中呈现您的结果。
用户界面包含了Microsoft Office风格的带状控件。选项卡式窗口界面有效地组织您的工作表和图表以便于选择。这些选项卡可以被组织成垂直或水平选项卡组。使用对接面板指南将Graph Gallery和Notebook Manger窗格移动到任何位置。可以将频繁使用的对象添加到快速访问工具栏中。例如,您可能需要添加Notebook Save,Close All, Refresh Graph Page和Modify Plot。
More than 100 2-D and 3-D technical graph types
From simple 2-D scatter plots to compelling contour and the new radar and dot density plots, SigmaPlot gives you the exact technical graph type you need for your demanding research. And, to help you see interactions in your 3-D data, SigmaPlot powerfully renders multiple intersecting 3-D meshes with hidden line removal. With so many different chart and graph types to choose from, you can always find the best visual representation of your data.
For example, you can run a Visual Basic in Microsoft Word® or Excel® that calls on SigmaPlot to generate and embed your graph in the document. SigmaPlot´s OLE2 automation provides unlimited flexibility.
Transforms and Quick Transforms
Generate simulated data or modify worksheet columns of data with transforms. Create simple one-line transforms with the Quick Transforms feature that walks you through transform implementation. Or create extremely complex transforms with hundreds of lines of code.