Make Meaningful Decisions
Get answers to your questions with Surfer’s geoprocessing tools. Process your data and analyze relationships. Narrow down areas of interest, highlight important intersections, or perform mathematical calculations on the underlying data to make informed decisions.
Surfer Geoprocessing Tools
View, create, edit and delete object attributes using the convenient Attribute Table
Calculate attribute values
Query objects based on attribute values
Perform Delaunay triangulation
Reshape, simplify, smooth polylines, polygons, and grids
Create buffers around points, polylines, and polygons
Convert between polygons and polylines
Create polygons by combining existing polygons
Create points or polygons in intersecting areas
Connect or break polylines at specified locations
Combine and split islands
Georeference images
Crop images
Set a color in an image to be transparent
Surfer Coordinate System Features
Over 2500 predefined coordinate systems
Create custom coordinate systems
Search coordinate systems by name or EPSG number
Reproject coordinate systems
Over 80 ellipsoids
Over 45 predefined linear units
Create custom linear units
Add graticule or grid lines to view different coordinate systems on a map
Surfer's LiDAR Point Cloud Features
Create a point cloud from multiple LAS/LAZ files
Assign color by elevation, intensity, return number, or classification
Select points interactively or by criteria
Remove, reclassify or crop to selected points
Create a grid from the point cloud or export to LAS/LAZ
Visualize all aspects of the data in the 3D view