Creating the command file
Users may wish to estimate models that allow for heterogeneous level-1 variances. A simple
example (see HSB2.HLM) using the HS&B data would be a model that postulates that the two
genders have different means in and variances of math achievement scores. To specify a model
that hypothesizes different central tendency and variability in math achievement for the two
genders, the model must first be set up, using the existing MDM file.
Start by selecting the Create a new model using an existing MDM file option from the File
The information presented on the first page or two of the HLM2 printout summarizes key details
about the MDM file (e.g., number of level-1 and level-2 units, whether weighting was specified),
and about both the fixed and random effects models specified for this run. In this particular
case, we are estimating the model specified by Equations 4.14 and 4.15 in Hierarchical Linear
Time-limited, fully functional licenses for students enrolled in courses or workshops are available free of charge, provided that the instructor maintains a paid and active SSI Live™ Standard subscription to the program in question. let us know the start and end dates of your classes, and the names and email addresses of the enrolled students so we can set up these individual licenses. Once the licenses are ready, we will let you know, and then you may inform your students that the licenses are available for their use. This option is available for HLM, LISREL, and SuperMix. For more information,
HLM provides statistical tools for comprehensive hierarchical data modeling. A recent addition to this popular program is the option to estimate an HLM from incomplete data, using a completely automated approach that generates and analyses multiply imputed data sets from incomplete data.