SigmaPlot Notebook功能
√ 可以保存SigmaPlot工作表、Excel工作表、报告、文档、回归向导方程、图形页和宏。
√ 新的基于对话框的笔记本功能有几种状态:搁置、可调、隐藏功能、总结信息模式等。
√ 类似浏览器的笔记本功能支持拖放下拉功能。
√ 对笔记本总结信息直接编辑。
Plot Nearly ANY Mathematical Function
Plotting user-defined and parameterized equations is only a mouseclick away with the Plot Equation feature. type the function or select one from the built-in library and specify the parameters and the range. It’s that simple! Create your own built-in functions and save them for future use. Plot functions on new or existing graphs or plot multiple functions simultaneously using different parameter values. Save plotted X and Y results to the worksheet.
But, remember, you don’t necessarily need to use the power of the Graph Gallery since every graph in SigmaPlot is a template. In the Notebook Manager, you can copy and paste a graph from one worksheet to another and all the attributes of that graph are applied to the new data saving much time.
The Regression Wizard accurately fits nearly any equation – piecewise continuous, multifunctional, weighted, Boolean functions and more – up to 10 variables and 25 parameters. You can even add your own curve fit equations and add them to the Regression Wizard.