RockWorks is the standard in the petroleum, environmental, geotechnical and mining industries for surface and subsurface data visualization, with popular tools such as maps, logs, cross sections, fence diagrams, solid models and volume calculations.

All three levels also include the Borehole Manager and its local database for storing and managing borehole-based data. Here is where the feature levels apply:
With Basic, the borehole processing tools are limited to observed data – no modeling: Borehole location maps, 2D and 3D strip logs, and striplog profiles and cross sections. Simple correlation panels are offered for Stratigraphy, I-Data, and P-Data in 2D section diagrams. Basic users can create playlists with up to 5 items each, and can manage three 3D faults.
With Standard, you get all of the borehole modeling tools for the subsurface data offered in the Lithology, Stratigraphy, I-Data, T-Data, P-Data, Fractures, Aquifers, and Vectors menus, and all of the 2D and 3D diagrams and maps these menus contain. Standard users can create playlists with up to 5 items each, and can manage three 3D faults.
With Advanced, you can connect to a SQL-Server database on a network, create playlists with unlimited items, run RockWorks command scripts for advanced automation, apply unlimited 3D faults to surface and solid models. You also have access to the tools in the well Production menu, and can import commercial PLSS land grids, (Read more about RockWorks Advanced.)

Playlist Button: Add the current application to the Playlist.
Favorites Button: Add the current application to your Favorites List.
Output Options: Export diagrams and reports directly to the desired output format.

RockWorks2020 is offered with three different feature levels: Basic, Standard, and Advanced. Which is right for you?
All three levels include the RockWorks Datasheet and the ModOps, Utilities, and Graphics menus. These menus offer numerous programs for mapping XYZ data, modeling XYZG points, creating stereonets and rose diagrams, creating Piper, Stiff, and Durov plots, and much MUCH more. This is the general RockWorks “toolbox.”