In the directory \gpmaw\bin\ (usually located either in the c:\ root or in c:\program files\) you create a new directory called ClustalW. Into this directory you copy all of the decompressed files from clustalw1.83.DOS.zip. The files having the extension .h and .c are source code files and can be deleted.
A17Two sections of the main toolbar are of direct interest to the sequence window, the Control section (described later in Mass calculations) and the Search and cleavage section:
The status bar is initially green, but turns yellow and red as you get close to full capacity of the file. Furthermore, when a protein is selected, the basic information is displayed in the right-hand information box.
One of the most efficient tools to examine and manipulate a sequence is to color the background of specific residues. This is done either through the ‘Highlight residues’ dialog (Search | Highlight residues (motifs)...), F4, the highlight button A25 (in the main toolbar) or by right-click and select ‘Highlight residues’ from the pop-up menu.