If the output file contains bonds between atoms, derived from population analysis (Mulliken or NBO), Chemcraft renders these bonds on the image of molecule, otherwise the bonds are identified automatically using the distance algorithm. If the checkbox "Show bond properties" is enabled for an individual element of the list, this is the evidence that the bonds have been read from the file for this geometry. For Gaussian computations, POP(NBO) must be specified in the input file for bonds to be printed in the output file. In GAMESS-US log files the bonds are usually printed; by default, only bonds with bond order not less than 0.25 are shown in the image (this value can be altered in "Tools/Preferences/Gamess").
The Windows version of Chemcraft can save animated pictures of molecules in the form of multiple bitmap files or animated gif files.
The main supported packages are Gaussian, Orca, Molpro, NWChem, Gamess and others.
The latter two keywords allow Chemcraft to visualize molecular orbitals. POP(NBO) enables printout of Natural Bond Orbitals analysis, in which the bonds in the molecule are computed. All these keywords are advisable but not necessary.