Fixed bug in undo of base X-coordinate dragging in the chromatogram editor.
Vector information is retained/updated after manual editing of a project member sequence.
Base ranges for maps and BLAST searches of the consensus sequence are now corrected for gaps.
Fixed division-by-zero error while displaying information on an empty project.
Fixed flicker while scrolling in the contig editor.
Added a Deregister function for moving the license to a different computer.
Ctrl+up and Ctrl+down switch the cursor between the consensus and the alignment.
Fixed a bug which prevented clinking on the consensus when the alignment was scrolled down.
Fixed problems with splitting a contig printout across multiple pages.
Fixed a bug which skipped undo of paste operations.
The contig naming convention is now saved in the project file.
Added menu item to open the message log.
Print chromatograms, restriction site and fragment maps, and open reading frame maps.
Perform nucleotide and protein BLAST searches through the NCBI web site.
ChromasPro DNA序列分析软件
Compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10.
Your free trial lasts for 14 days. Please see the purchase page for licensing.
Upgrade from earlier versions is free for licensed users.
Please note: ChromasPro 2 will install separately from versions older than 1.9.9. It is recommended that you uninstall any old version present. See the version history for changes to recent versions.