TWINSPAN simultaneously classifies species and samples. At its core, TWINSPAN is based on dividing a reciprocal averaging ordination space. One of the most useful features of TWINSPAN is the final ordered two-way table. Species names are arrayed along the left side of the table, while sample numbers are along the top. The pattern of zeros and ones on the right and bottom sides define the dendrogram of the classifications of species and samples, respectively. The interior of the table contains the abundance class of each species in each sample. Abundance classes are defined by pseudospecies cut levels.
Partial Mantel Test
The partial Mantel test requires three matrices, the main matrix, a second matrix, and a control matrix. The null hypothesis is of no relationship between the main and second matrices, after controlling for the relationship with the third (control) matrix. If we call the main matrix Y, the second matrix X, and the control matrix C, then we seek the partial correlation between X and Y while controlling for C.
Two-way Cluster Analysis
The purpose of our two-way clustering (also known as biclustering) is to graphically expose the relationship between cluster analyses and your individual data points. The resulting graph makes it easy to see similarities and differences between rows in the same group, rows in different groups, columns in the same group, and columns in different groups. You can see graphically how groups of rows and columns relate to each other. Two-way clustering refers to doing a cluster analysis on both the rows and columns of your matrix, followed by graphing the two dendrograms simultaneously, adjacent to a representation of your main matrix. Rows and columns of your main matrix are re-ordered to
Compare Scores (Compare Ordinations)
Evaluate the similarity of two ordinations, independent of any rotation, reflection, units for axis, and number of dimensions. This is accomplished by evaluating the correlation between the interpoint distances of two ordinations. Squaring this correlation expresses the redundancy between two ordinations. A formal test of the hypothesis of no relationship between the two ordinations is provided by a Mantel test.