The small P-value suggests that there is sufficient evidence that the measurement model in Figure 1 is not
completely invariant across gender.
Cross validation
The cross validation of a measurement model refers to the ability of the model to be invariant across two or
more random samples from the same population. The measurement model in Figure 1 will be used to
illustrate how the multiple group feature of LISREL may be used to assess the cross validation of a
measurement model. This assessment consists of testing the null hypothesis (H0) that the measurement model
is identical across gender against the alternative hypothesis (H1) that the model is not identical across gender.
A Chi-square difference test is used to test H0 and H1.
Chung and Cai (2019) point out that
only captures uncertainty based on complete data. As a result, its inverse cannot be
used as a weight matrix for the robust DWLS, WLS, and ULS methods for continuous structural equational modeling for
correlation matrices.
The small P-value suggests that there is sufficient evidence that weak invariance does not hold for the
measurement model in Figure 1 across gender.
Strong invariance
The measurement model in Figure 1 is said to have strong invariance if the model is the same with identical
factor loadings and means across boys and girls. This is assessed as follows.
• Select the Close all option on the Windows menu.
• Use the Open option on the File menu to load the Open dialog box.
• Browse for the location C:\LISREL Student Examples\TUTORIAL.
• Select the file SINV.SPL by clicking on it.
• Click on the Open button to open the following text editor window.
denotes a diagonal matrix with the standard deviations
1 2 , , , p
1 2 , , ,
x x x
on the diagonal. The
sample correlation matrix,
, is an unbiased estimator of
and may be expressed as