In Jackknife analyses interpolation estimates are compared against measured values for a set of locations different from those used as input data.
Since its introduction in 1988, geostatistics has been at the heart of GS . Many of our users have access to other geostatistics tools within their favorite GIS or mapping programs but come to GS for their serious geostatistical analyses, especially for exploring geostatistical relationships within data sets. GS output is compatible with industry standards and can be used directly with many other programs. It can also be used as a standalone program. GS has its own data worksheet (which accepts MicroSoft Excel, Access, and other types of data files) and produces its own maps for those users who are not working with other mapping programs.
What is geostatistics?
Geostatistics is a class of statistical techniques developed to analyze and predict spatial values of a property. It begins with a type of autocorrelation analysis called variography or semivariance analysis, in which the degree of spatial self-similarity is displayed as a variogram. A curve is fit to the variogram, and the equation that describes the curve - called the variogram model - is used to predict unsampled locations by kriging or conditional simulation. This produces optimal unbiased estimates of the property across the entire spatial domain. The same analysis can also be performed with one-dimensional data such as time, for example hourly or daily measures of some property, to provide optimal interpolations and error terms along a time line.