EMTDC is most suitable for simulating the time domain instantaneous responses (also popularly known as electromagnetic transients) of electrical systems.
The power of EMTDC is greatly enhanced by its state-of-the-art Graphical User Interface called PSCAD. PSCAD allows the user to graphically assemble the circuit, run the simulation, analyze the results, and manage the data in a completely integrated graphical environment.
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与附加产品PRSIM结合使用,PSCAD可以将PSS/E和DigSilent PowerFactory数据文件类型直接转换为PSCAD格式。转换后的PSCAD案例将具有与原始网络数据文件(稳态负载流)设置相当的操作条件。V5附带了一个称为NETEQ的网络等效计算实用程序。
This version is perfect for simulating small systems, and for use as a demonstration tool. It is fully featured and limited only by network size and a few other non-essential features.