- Constructing molecule from standard molecular fragments (radicals, etc). The possibility to supplement the set of fragments with custom ones and to copy/paste individual fragments via clipboard is provided;
Besides Gamess-US, Gaussian and ADF files, Chemcraft can read NWChem, Jaguar, Orca, Dalton, GAMESS-UK, Turbomole, Molpro and QChem output files, HyperChem files, files of MSI or PDB formats (these formats are not comprehensively supported) and of MolDraw and Priroda programs format, NBO format (.31-.40 files),
Chemcraft extracts tables of molecular orbital coefficients from the output files, which can be visualized in the form of isosurfaces or colored figures. The program can read orbitals from GAMESS/Gaussian output files and Gaussian Checkpoint files (.chk, .fch), as well as computed maps in Gaussian Cube files and ADF ASCII TAPE41 files. For Gaussian computations, "#P GFINPUT POP(FULL)" should be specified in input file, so that the orbitals and basis set information are printed in the output file.
- Dipole moment can be visualized as pointer;