It is a rapidly growing high throughput method for genetic profiling. It can detect exon deletions, copy number changes, and CpG methylation patterns. It is cost-effective, sensitive, specific and reproducible.
Specific Detection using Target Specific Probes
Specific detection of real time PCR is done with some oligonucleotide probes labeled with both a reporter fluorescent dye and a quencher dye. Probes based on different chemistries are available for real time detection, these include:
How Species Were Identified Historically
The field of disease diagnosis and drug development has seen a rapid replacement of culture based methods for bacterial and species identification by faster and more reliable molecular based techniques such as real time PCR and microarrays. The reason for the success for these techniques is the ease with which one can identify a species from a sample collected from complex sources such as air, soil, or water.
Minimal Set with Unique Primers: Choosing the Minimal set option, AlleleID® designs the smallest number of probes required to identify the sequences. The Minimal set will generally contain fewer probes than the number of sequences to be identified, and a unique combination of probes identifies each sequence. The aim of such an assay is to minimize the synthesis and overall assay costs.
Species Identification: Minimal Set with Unique Primers