This structure is called a decision, "If Then.. Else" or a conditional. A question is asked in the decision shape. Depending on the answer the control follows either of two paths. In the chart above, if the temperature is going to be less than freezing (32 degrees Fahrenheit) the tomatoes should be covered. Most RFFlow stencils include the words "Yes" and "No" so you can drag them onto your chart. "True" and "False" are also included in most of the flowcharting stencils.
Click the Colored Edge Shapes stencil and then click the Add Stencil button.
Each flowchart must have one starting point. It can have multiple ending points, but only one starting point. The same terminal shape is used for the start and end. The terminal shape is a rectangle that is semicircular on the left and right as shown above. You can use other words instead of start and end, like begin and finish, or any words with a similar meaning. Some companies use an oval instead of a terminal shape. The bottom line is that it should be clear to the person looking at the chart where the chart starts and where it ends.
To move around in your chart, use the standard scrollbars in the window, use the arrow keys, or drag the chart with the right mouse button. If your mouse has a wheel, it will work too. You can zoom in to see the details of your chart, or zoom out to see the complete chart.