An analysis of the electron density according to Bader's ``atoms in molecules'' theory can be made using a program by J. Sofo and J. Fuhr (2001)

Spin-orbit interactions can be considered via a second variational step using the scalar-relativistic eigenfunctions as basis. (See MacDonald 80, Singh 94 and Novak 97). In order to overcome the problems due to the missing p1/2 radial basis function in the scalar-relativistic basis (which corresponds to p3/2, we have recently extended the standard LAPW basis by an additional p1/2-local orbital'', i.e. a LO with a p1/2 basis function, which is added in the second-variational SO calculation (Kunes et al. 2001).

sequential mode, k-parallel mode (without MPI, slow network with common NFS), massively parallel MPI mode (shared memory or Infiniband)
Energy bands and density of states
electron densities and spin densities, x-ray structure factors, potentials, STM and AFM simulations

Baders's "atoms-in-molecule" concept
total energy, forces, equilibrium geometries, structure optimization, elastic constants, molecular dynamics
Phonons, with an interface to K.Parlinski's PHONON or A. Togos Phonopy program