EndNote不仅仅是一个reference manager,更是在搜索、组织、撰写、发布和分享过程中,推动您的研究进程。
Online searching:即通过EndNote直接进入网上数据库查找和获得文献
Direct Export:很多网络数据库如MEDLINE、Pubmed、CSA等都支持将自己选择的文献
⒈创建EndNote可以导入的文本文件:文件必须是“标注格式(Tagged Format)”的.txt文档,即不同的信息必须以特定的标注(如Tab键、//等记号)分隔归类,每一个标注及其后面的信息都另起一行。自己创建相当麻烦。多数数据库支持将其数据资料转换为Tagged格式。如何转换见滤镜选择对话框下面的“Comments”内容或者“帮助”里的“Import Format”。如Pubmed的文献转换为:
PMID- 15492285
STAT- In-Process
DA - 20041019
IS - 0008-5472
Ⅵ - 64
IP - 20
DP - 2004 Oct 15
TI - CC chemokine ligand 25 enhances resistance to apoptosis in CD4+ T cells from patients with T-cell lineage acute and chronic lymphocytic leukemia by means of livin activation.
PG - 7579-87
AB - We investigated CD4 and CD8 double-positive thymocytes,CD4(+) T cells from typical patients with T-cell lineage acute lymphocytic leukemia (T-ALL) and T cell lineage chronic lymphocytic leukemia (T-CLL),and MOLT4 T cells in terms of CC chemokine ligand 25 (CCL25) functions of induction of resistance to tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha)-mediated apoptosis.
Refer/BibⅨ: 将从Refer 或 BibⅨ程序导出的文本导入到EndNote
ProCite: 将从ProCite 导出的文本导入到EndNote
Tab Delimited: 用于导入信息域已经被跳格键(Tab)分隔的文本
Reference Manager (RIS): 可导入从Reference Manager,Reference Update,Reference Web Poster 和其他任何RIS 格式资源导出的文档。用EndNote 也可以打开Reference Manager 的文献库。
ISI-CE: 导入来自于ISI的文本文档
Multi-filter (Special): 用于导入含有不同来源文献的文档
EndNote generated XML: 用于从EndNote导出的XML 格式的文件
Other Filters: 进入“Choose A Filter”对话框看到EndNote自带的大量滤镜,对应于不同的网络数据库。记住每个数据库都需要一个特定的滤镜,即使供应商相同也不可混用。
Use Connection File:可以将一个connection file作为滤镜。当用EndNote的Connect命令搜索某一数据库时会生成Connect.log文件,将此文件导入成文献库数据。该Connect.log应该包含all references from your previous session。
Import All:导入所有文献,包括与目的库内有重复的文献
Discard Duplicates: 导入文献时剔除与目的库内有重复的文献
Import into Duplicates Library: 导入文献到目的库,但将所有重复文献放入一个名为“File-Dupl.enl”的库中,“File”是目的库的库名。使用者可以在稍后浏览这些文献或者合并两个库。
Commercial and launch strategy
Strategically launch and position your product in the market for maximum patient benefit and transform your sales and account management strategies and skillsets in response to evolving customer dynamics and value drivers.
Researchers routinely collaborate on a global scale, and the ability to work remotely is increasingly important. Manually creating, maintaining and sharing reference lists is time-consuming, particularly when managing input from colleagues worldwide. In fact, researchers waste nearly 200,000 hours per year formatting citations.
Optimize drug discovery and strategically translate your drug from the lab to the clinic by equipping your teams with the data they need and overcome the challenges of finding, integrating and analyzing key information.