Data Contribution - While the GTAP Data Base is constructed by the Center for Global Trade Analysis, most of the datasets used are supplied by members of the GTAP Network. The most common contributions made by individuals in the network are individual country data (I-O tables).
This is a very useful bit of code. Thanks very much. However, I am wondering about the best way to create aggregations of the resulting SAMs (I am using the GAMS version). Has globaggr.gms been updated to work with version 7? Is it possible to obtain the file Aggr.xls that generated globaggr.gms to facilitate making my own aggregations?
GTAP 11 Data Base Documentation chapters 1 and 2 are particularly useful for new users to see how what is included in the GTAP Data Base and how it was structured.
GTAP version 11 has 5 reference years (2004, 2007, 2011, 2014, and 2017), distinguishes 65 sectors in each of 141 countries and 19 aggregate regions - with individual countries accounting for 99.1% of world GDP and 96.4% of world population.