Examples involving subsurface drip irrigation (using 2D and axisymmetrical 2D domains). Download now (11 MB)
Drip3D Drip irrigation simulated using the three-dimensional transport domain. Download now (11 MB)
Drip3Da Three-dimensional drip irrigation examples from Raij et al., 2018. Download now (2 MB)
Drain Two examples demonstrating the use of the (simplified) drain boundary condition and the effects of the immobile water content on accelerated solute movement. Download brief description now

The COSMIC Module (in 1D) to simulate Cosmic-Ray Neutron Fluxes [Brunetti et al., 2019].
The Dynamic Plant Uptake (DPU) Module (in 1D and 2D) developed by Brunetti et al. [2019,
2021, 2022] simulates the translocation and transformation of neutral and ionisable
compounds in the soil-plant domain.

Examples demonstrating the use of the UNSATCHEM module simulating transport of major ions and their mutual interactions. Two sets of examples are presented. The first set of examples (Test1-x) involves infiltration into a one-dimensional soil column. The second set of examples (Test4-x) involves furrow infiltration. .

The program may be used to analyze water and solute movement in unsaturated, partially saturated, or fully saturated porous media. HYDRUS can handle flow domains delineated by irregular boundaries.