– GAMS Programs - The structure of the GAMS language and its components
– Set Definition - The declaration and initialization of sets, subsets, and domain checking.
– Data Entry: Parameters, Scalars and Tables - Three basic forms of GAMS data types : Parameters, Scalars and
– Data Manipulations with Parameters - The declaration and assignment of GAMS parameters.
– Variables - The declaration and attributes of GAMS variables.
– Equations - The definition and declaration of GAMS equations.
– Model and Solve Statements Model - The specificiation of a GAMS model and how to solve it.
– GAMS Output - The control of GAMS compilation output, execution output, output produced by a solve
statement, and error reporting.
– Conditional Expressions, Assignments and Equations - The conditional assignments, expressions and equations
in GAMS.
– Dynamic Sets - The membership assignment, the usage of dollar controls, and set operations.
– Sets as Sequences: Ordered Sets - Special features used to deal with a set as if it were a sequence.
– The Display Statement - The syntax, control, and label order in display.
– The Put Writing Facility - The put writing facility of the GAMS language.
– Programming Flow Control Features - The GAMS programing flow control features : loop, if-elseif, while, and
for statements.
– Special Language Features - Special features in GAMS that do not translate across solvers, or are specific to
certain smodel types.
MIRO is open source and based on R-Shiny.
Functionality can be extended by writing custom R code, e.g. to create complex data dashboards
MIRO Desktop, Boosted By GAMS Engine
One step up from the fully local installation, a local MIRO can run GAMS jobs on an instance of GAMS Engine. Benefits are:
GAMS now has enough information (from data entered above and from the algebraic relationships specified in the equations) to automatically generate each individual constraint statement - as you can see in the output report below.