Environmental Visualization System (EVS Pro)是用于性分析,可视化和动画的早的产品。它包括网格模块,建模工具,输出选项,地质统计分析、 动画分析、GIS功能等。更多的功能还包括动画输出、实时地形漫游、地质结构建模、交互式分析、4DIM & VRML II 输出;ODBC数据库链接等。
EVS Pro的渲染提供了显著、完整的三维可视化技术以对污染的状况进行充分分析和可视化。
Earth Volumetric Studio (Studio) is the revolutionary synthesis of C Tech’s Environmental Visualization System and Mining Visualization System integrated with new technology from years of EnterVol development. Earth Volumetric Studio retains the modular toolkit paradigm of its predecessors in an updated, user friendly environment.
Earth Volumetric Studio is a standalone Windows program which offers the ultimate in speed, power and flexibility. Studio unites advanced volumetric gridding, geostatistical analysis, and 4D visualization tools into a software system developed to address the needs of all Earth science disciplines. The graphical user interface is integrated with modular analysis and graphics routines which can be customized and combined to satisfy the analysis and visualization needs of any application. Studio can be used to analyze all types of analytical and geophysical data in any environment (e.g. soil, groundwater, surface water, air, noise, resistivity, etc.). Earth Volumetric Studio’s integrated geostatistics provides quantitative evaluation of the quality of your data and site models and identifies locations that require additional data collection.

Earth Volumetric Studio将以前开发的Environmental Visualization System Pro和MVS (Mining Visualization System)的功能都囊括在了一个功能更强大操作更简单的环境之中。功能包括:钻孔和样本发布;参数估计使用佳拟合函数的系统

EnterVol GeoStats©提供了创建体积网格和对这些卷执行参数估计的能力。在C Tech的EVS和MVS软件中使用相同的技术,我们的*系统将指导您完成使用克里格和逆距离加权执行2D和3D体积估计的过程。

Geologic Modeling
Surface Based Hierarchical Layer Models
Smooth Geologic Indicator Kriging
G – Size and complexity Limits
Incorporate Surficial Geology with Smooth Geologic Indicator Kriging