The Data Cleaner app helps to identify data problems and iteratively configure and apply multiple cleaning methods to clean time series data.
Acquire live data from individual instruments, cards, sensors, or internet of things approaches
Read or write stored data including **s, images, video, and ‘omics data from files, databases, spreadsheets, or via web access
Manage datasets too large to fit in memory
Model and simulate biological systems with an intuitive graphical interface or symbolic math
Refine your models with optimization, curve fitting, and parameter estimation
Design experiments and characterize results with frequentist or Bayesian statistics or machine learning
Report results
Scale up computing to multicore machines and GPUs, clusters and HPC centers, and the cloud
Collaborate and support teams with a range of deployment options including apps, desktop or web executables, and mobile devices
Deploy royalty-free integrations with third-party software and programming languages
Re-use code assets developed and shared by the global scientific community
Readily automate tasks into pipelines or processes using code that can be shared and evolved
MathWorks also provides training and consulting services to help you or your team become more proficient and complete projects faster.
Because MATLAB and Simulink® toolboxes have been trusted by the global science community for over 30 years, researchers and educators have created a large and diverse collection of domain-specific tools written in MATLAB. Many of these tools are freely available at MathWorks File Exchange, GitHub, or the MathWorks Connections Program.
Image Processing and Computer Vision
Examples: webcams, Raspberry Pi, Kinect for Windows