StataCorp LLC给广大用户提供了很多免费资源,下面的视频文件是StataCorp LLC公司的技术工程师主讲并录制的视频教程。本教程完全免费,欢迎大家申请观看。
Stata Basics
Tour of the Stata 16 interface
PDF documentation in Stata 16
Example datasets included with Stata 16
What it's like—Getting started in Stata
Stata 16 videos
Create reproducible reports in Stata
Meta-analysis in Stata
Python integration with Stata
Working with multiple datasets in memory
Import data from SPSS and SAS
Create customized Word documents with Stata results and graphs
Lasso for prediction and model selection
Lasso for inference
Choice models
Most popular over last year
Introduction to Bayesian statistics, part 1: The basic concepts
Simple linear regression in Stata
Descriptive statistics in Stata
Data management: How to convert a string variable to a numeric variable
Instrumental-variables regression using Stata
t-test for two independent samples in Stata
Data management: How to create a new variable that is calculated from other variables
Data management: How to merge files into a single dataset
Time series in Stata®, part 1: Formatting and managing dates
Pearson's chi-squared and Fisher's exact test in Stata
Introduction to Bayesian statistics, part 2: MCMC and the Metropolis Hastings algorithm
Pearson's correlation coefficient in Stata
Import Excel data into Stata
Tables and cross tabulations in Stata
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