

Stata是一个完整的、集成的软件包,它提供了所有数据科学所需的数据操作、可视化、统计和自动化报告功能。为了让大家更好的掌握Stata软件,StataCorp LLC为大家安排了一系列在线培训。本培训完全免费扫描下方二维码直接报名参加!

Ready. Set. Go Stata

培训时间:5 August 2020    11:00 AM CT

                 12 August 2020    11:00 AM CT


Tips and tricks

培训时间:13 August 2020   11:00 AM CT


How to create basic Stata estimation commands

培训时间:11 August 2020 11:00 AM CT

本次网络研讨会介绍如何在Stata中编写自己的估算命令。本次网络研讨会是在上一次网络研讨会讨论How to create basic Stata commands的基础上,重点讨论用于模型拟合的命令。


Chuck Huber is the Associate Director of Statistical Outreach at StataCorp and an adjunct associate professor of biostatistics at the Texas A&M School of Public Health. In addition to working with Stata's team of software developers, he produces instructional videos for the Stata YouTube channel, writes blog entries, develops online NetCourses, and gives talks about Stata at conferences and universities. Most of his current work is focused on statistical methods used by psychologists and other behavioral scientists. He has published in the areas of neurology, human and animal genetics, alcohol and drug abuse prevention, nutrition, and birth defects.

Survival analysis using Stata

培训时间:25 August 2020  11:00 AM CT



本次研讨会,Gabriela Ortiz,应用统计学家,她将展示Stata用于生存分析的专门工具。她将向您介绍Stata中可用于分析生存时间数据的汇*计、图表、模型和诊断。您将学习如何获得平均生存时间,发病率 以及执行平等性检验。您有兴趣把生存建模变为协变量的函数吗?Gabriela将向您展示如何拟合不同的回归模型并调整组内相关性。您将了解到,即使您的数据有竞争性的失败事件,或者当您感兴趣的事件的确切时间未知时,您仍然可以在Stata中分析您的数据。您还将看到如何可视化模型的结果并以图形方式评估模型拟合。

Gabriela Ortiz is an Applied Statistician at StataCorp. She holds a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of California, Davis, and a master's degree in economics from California State University, Long Beach. Gabriela is a primary author of Stata's reporting manual and has contributed to the development of each of the reporting features. She also developed and regularly teaches Stata's introductory webinars.



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