NVivo Free Webinars | 定性研究与创新系列研讨会


NVivo 是一功能强大的的质性分析 (Qualitative Data Analysis)软件,能够有效的分析多种不同的数据如大量的逐字稿文字,影像图形,声音和录像带数据,是实现质性研究的较佳工具。NVivo通过一个强大的智能应用程序将质的分析和观察带到了一个全新的层面。NVivo能够帮助使用者管理、定型和分析几乎任何语言的任何信息,NVivo将改变使用者的工作方式。北京天演融智软件有限公司(科学软件网)作为Nvivo软件在中国的授权经销商,为了让大家更好的了解NVivo的较新技术资讯,特别为大家带来了原厂关于NVivo软件的2场研讨会,欢迎大家免费报名参加!


本次网络研讨会是由NVivo和SAGE Publications举办,是定性研究与创新系列研讨会的一部分。主要讨论大流行情况对定性研究人员研究的影响的调查结果。这项调查是在4月底和5月初进行的,当时欧洲和北美的疫情正处于高峰期。随着**疫情大流行在该地区的消退,6月至7月进行了后续深入访谈。所提出的问题包括研究人员如何调整研究方向以适应面对面交流的局限性,是否会对定性研究人员如何进行研究以及他们的职业前景产生持久的影响。参会人员可以在线进行互动。


会议时间:January 21, 2021 12 PM EST / 5 PM BMT

主办单位:QSR International

演讲*:Silvana di Gregorio, PhD, Research Director at QSR International.


Silvana is a sociologist & a former academic. She has been involved with training, consulting & publishing about qualitative data analysis software since 1995. She has consulted on qualitative research projects from the academic, government & commercial sectors worldwide. Since 2013, she has been employed by QSR International, the developers of NVivo. She is currently Director of QSR Research part of the Product Development team. She works closely with the user community as well as potential users in ascertaining their needs regarding qualitative software development & feeding back that information to QSR.


本次网络研讨会是由NVivo和SAGE Publications举办的定性研究与创新系列研讨会的一部分。




会议时间:February 5, 2021 11AM EST / 4PM BMT

主办单位:University of Kent, UK

演讲*:Dr Sweta Rajan-Rankin 、Dr Erin S&ers-McDonagh、Dr Dawn Lyon


Dr Sweta Rajan-Rankin explores touch, texture & the socio-materiality of hair in curating black identity through a sensory ethnography of Afro hair salons in Brixton. Using auto-ethnography & participant observation of salon life, she explores the temporal, biographical & material intimacies offered through black hair practice in enabling transnational identities to evolve as black bodies move through white spaces.

Dr Erin S&ers-McDonagh discusses the visual & sensory methods used in her research (with Dr Magali Peyreffite) in London's Soho & argues that mapping the glowing neon lights once associated with a notorious & well-known sex industry tells us a great deal about changes that have come about with 'hegemonic gentrification' (S&ers-McDonagh et al, 2016). Through their 'alter-map' of this area, they demonstrate how exploring colour, tone, & light reveal power & rhythm in this inner-London space.

Dr Dawn Lyon discusses how using the senses allows researchers to grasp & be grasped by rhythm & in so doing to appreciate the unfolding of time & space in different social contexts. She critically considers using the camera as well as the body as a tool of sensory research in her work on fish markets in the UK & Europe.


为了让大家能够更好的学习和了解NVivo软件,科学软件网特别推出《Nvivo定性研究分析软件使用课程》**5折的活动,欢迎大家免费试听。您可以登陆 科学软件网-培训-视频课程 了解详情或者直接购买。



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