探索如何使用 MATLAB 进行大数据、机器学习和生产分析。
无线工程团队借助 MATLAB® 节省开发时间、在早期消除设计问题以及简化测试和验证过程。
生成自定义波形以验证与较新 5G、LTE 和 WLAN 标准的一致性
自动生成HDL 或 C 代码进行原型设计,*手动编码即可实现
了解 MATLAB 和 Simulink 如何简化协作,从而让您能够将创意快速转化为产品。
创建算法和 IP
**的无线研究人员和工程师都依赖 MATLAB 来研究和证明新的技术概念以及创建知识产权。MATLAB 工具箱中的应用程序和可自定义代码可以帮您快速探究设计备选方案、测试实时数据以及分析仿真结果和测量结果。
您可以使用所创建的 MATLAB 算法来构建符合标准的系统、模型射频和天线组件,并硬件原型设计和实现自动化。
MATLAB 工具箱为 3GPP 和 802.11 物理层 (PHY) 标准提供了文档齐全的全面支持,因此,您*维护专有仿真器或依赖黑盒测试环境。
使用工具箱和应用程序来生成和分析信号、测量链路级性能并创建黄金参考模型,以验证是否符合标准。自定义工具箱函数以加快实现并探究较新的 5G、LTE 和 WLAN 技术。
基带、射频和天线工程师可以借助多域仿真来设计新一代无线技术,例如大规模 MIMO 阵列、混合波束成形架构以及自适应射频收发器与射频前端。
MathWorks application deployment products increase the benefit of MATLAB® to your organization by allowing you to share the work you do in MATLAB with people who do not have access to MATLAB. You can share with internal colleagues and decision makers, or external collaborators and clients.
Your MATLAB based programs can be deployed as standalone applications, add-ins for Microsoft® Excel®, and software components that can be integrated into web and enterprise applications. You can deploy any MATLAB program covering a range of industries and applications such as data science, semiconductor/electronics, manufacturing systems, image processing, aerospace/defense, and financial services.
All applications and components are encrypted to protect your intellectual property and can be shared royalty free.
When compared with manually recoding algorithms, deploying your MATLAB applications and components provides advantages, such as:
Domain experts can maintain ownership of ideas, algorithms, and applications.
Software developers have the flexibility to integrate a common algorithm with different programming languages and platforms.
Organizations gain efficiency by avoiding time consuming and error prone recoding, as well as easily adopting algorithm improvements throughout the application’s lifecycle.