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  • stata功能 一级代理商
  • stata功能 一级代理商


Stata 16 has a new suite of commands for performing meta-analysis. This suite lets you explore and combine the results from different studies. For instance, if you have collected results from 20 studies about the effect of a particular drug on blood pressure, you can summarize these studies and estimate the overall effect using meta-analysis.
The new meta suite is broad, but what sets it apart is its simplicity.
You can type, for instance,
. meta set effectsize stderr
to declare precomputed effect sizes or use meta esize to compute effects from summary data. With this, you can perform random-effects, fixed-effects, or common-effect meta-analysis.
To estimate an overall effect size and its confidence interval, obtain heterogeneity statistics, and more, you simply type
. meta summarize
And visualizing the results is as easy as typing
. meta forestplot
But the meta suite provides much more.
Meta-regression and subgroup analysis allow you to evaluate the heterogeneity of studies. These are available via meta regress and meta forestplot, subgroup() or meta summarize, subgroup().
You can investigate potential publication bias. Check visually for funnel-plot asymmetry using meta funnelplot; formally test for funnel-plot asymmetry using meta bias; and assess publication bias using the trim-and-fill method with meta trimfill.
You can even perform cumulative meta-analysis with meta summarize, cumulative().
All the meta-analysis features are documented in the new Meta-analysis Reference Manual.
Stata 16 Feature highlights:
1. Lasso
2. Reporting
3. Meta-analysis
4. Choice models
5. Python integration
6. New in Bayesian analysis—Multiple chains, predictions, and more
7. Panel-data ERMs
8. Import data from SAS and SPSS
9. Nonparametric series regression
10. Multiple datasets in memory
11. Sample-size analysis for confidence intervals
12. Nonlinear DSGE models
13. Multiple-group IRT models
14. xtheckman
15. Multiple-dose pharmacokinetic modeling
16. Heteroskedastic ordered probit models
17. Graph sizes in printer points, centimeters, and inches
18. Numerical integration
19. Linear programming
20. Stata in Korean
21. Mac interface now supports Dark Mode and native tabbed windows
22. Do-file Editor—Autocompletion and more syntax highlighting
In Stata 16, we introduce a new, unified suite of commands for modeling choice data. We have added new commands for summarizing choice data. We renamed and improved existing commands for fitting choice models. We even added a new command for fitting mixed logit models for panel data. And we document them together in the new Choice Models Reference Manual.
And here’s the best part: margins now works after fitting choice models. This means you can now easily interpret the results of your choice models. While the coefficients estimated in choice models are often almost uninterpretable, margins allows you to ask and answer very specific questions based on your results. Say that you are modeling choice of transportation. You can answer questions such as
• What proportion of travelers are expected to choose air travel?
• How does the probability of traveling by car change for each additional $10,000 in income?
• If wait times at the airport increase by 30 minutes, how does this affect the choice of each mode of transportation?
What else is new? You now cmset your data before fitting a choice model. For instance,
. cmset personid transportmethod
Then, you use cmsummarize, cmchoiceset, cmtab, and cmsample to explore, summarize, and look for potential problems in your data.
And you use cm estimation commands to fit one of the following choice models:
• cmclogit conditional logit (McFadden’s choice) model
• cmmixlogit mixed logit model
• cmxtmixlogit panel-data mixed logit model
• cmmprobit multinomial probit model
• cmroprobit rank-ordered probit model
• cmrologit rank-ordered logit model
Unlike the others, cmxtmixlogit is not just renamed and improved. It is completely new in Stata 16, and

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