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ATLAS.ti 定性分析软件





Explore Material In Great Depth
Get to know your material in tremendous depth. Code systematically and develop a system of meaning that unlocks your specific research subject. Explore your data with the Network Editor, the Text Search Tool, word clouds, word frequency tables, and through the various query options.

These tools will help you to discover the intricate hidden “texture” of your data, its interwoven meanings.

Powerful Tool set
ATLAS.ti offers a set of tools and features that are powerful and flexible enough to get to the bottom of even the most complex data material.

Your central workspace in ATLAS.ti serves as a container for your project’s data. Access to all basic project components such as your documents, highlighted/coded data segments, codes, memos, hyperlinks, groups, or networks is fast and comfortable.

Coding can be done by simply dragging codes onto the selected piece of data. Object Managers, the Project Explorer, and the Co-occurrence Explorer let you browse and navigate through your project data.

What is ATLAS.ti?
ATLAS.ti is a powerful workbench for the qualitative analysis of large bodies of textual, graphical, audio and video data.

Sophisticated tools help you to arrange, reassemble, and manage your material in creative, yet systematic ways. ATLAS.ti keeps you focused on the material itself. Whether your field is anthropology, economics, criminology, or medicine: ATLAS.ti will meet your qualitative analysis needs!



Long Data Lifespan

Unique Features
The interactive margin area is a unique work space in ATLAS.ti not surpassed by any other program on the market. It permits a uniquely intuitive way of interacting with your data, digitally transferring the traditional paper-and-pen analogy in the digital world.

The quotation level is also radically unique to ATLAS.ti. If offers an analytic level below coding and better supports inductive, interpretive research approaches like grounded theory, hermeneutic, discourse analysis, sociology of knowledge, or phenomenology than any other software.

This can also be said about the ATLAS.ti network / visualization function. It offers the most integrated way of working with your data, it is a tool for visualization as well as for analysis, for data organization as well as conceptual level analytic work and data presentation.

Because of the way ATLAS.ti manages data under the hood, it allows for handling much larger projects than other products: ATLAS.ti handle projects that contain thousands of documents and/or tens of thousands of coded data segments.


Development, design, production and sales in one of the manufacturing enterprises

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